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02: Love and Authentic Freedom to Commit to Yourself


Robin Jillian explores the meaning of commitment and where that shows up in your life. Are you committing out of a need to feel secure, or expecting someone else to do the same? How have you been conditioned to believe that you are less than if you “can’t” commit? Is it possible that you can love deeply, allowing for personal growth and expansion, while committing only to yourself? What are your needs and values that are an expression of your heart and soul? Robin invites you into a deep inquiry to discover the truth behind your commitments…healthy or destructive. Learn more about Awaken Radio

authentic self, awakened life, awakening, awareness, change, compassion, consciousness, empowerment, greater awareness, healing life, healing lifestyle, improved self, improving yourself, life improvements, life journey, making changes, mental health, new self, perception, personal transformation, Robin Jillian, self-awareness, self-care, self-change, self-love, self-perception, spirituality


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