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2020 Welcome to Your Awakening with Robin Jillian


Join Robin Jillian and Kristin as they talk about what it means to live an awakened life. It’s the first day of 2020 and after a decade of ups and downs, find out why being awake is your least traveled, but necessary, path.

ROBIN JILLIAN is host of Awaken Radio and the Author of the deeply intimate and spiritually charged memoir Hugging Trees in the Dark (Finding the Courage to Free the Heart). She is also an evolutionary astrologer, which brought her in touch with the necessary growth and evolution of the soul’s purpose. An entrepreneur for over 35 years, she has empowered many to awaken to a new way of being, honoring their true authentic needs.

Robin teaches that when it is time to wake up to who we truly are, we have no choice but to courageously answer the calling of our soul if we want to live a life of purpose and passion. She empowers others to know they are not alone when experiencing the terrifying but essential need to grow when hearing the inner voice to live from the fullness of your heart. When you experience the “Dark Night of the Soul” it can be the scariest time of your life, but through these difficult times you will go deeper into your soul’s true desires and discover the most important relationship in your life…the one you have with yourself. She will guide you with the questions that ignite deep self-inquiry, helping you to recognize that you too have the power to change your life.

Robin currently lives in Southern California, has three children and is passionate about growth and self-development. She enjoys being in nature, dancing and riding her bike under the stars.


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