95: Don’t Let the D’s (Despair and Depression) Get You Down!
If you’ve struggled with binge eating, food addiction or emotional eating for some time, you may find that the stresses and isolation of the quarantine have worsened your symptoms. Or you may have had other life challenges that have caused stress and overwhelm in your life. All of this can lead to depression and feelings of hopelessness or despair. It can make your battle to make peace with food and your body feel even more difficult, leading you to fall back on using food to numb your emotions or provide comfort during these trying times. But there is hope! By nourishing your spirit, you can build resilience to help replenish your resources and give you the boost you need to rise to meet the challenges in your life. In this episode you will learn: What are the causes of despair? What are the symptoms of spiritual depletion and despair? What are 3 actions you can take to get back on top of your game?
anxiety, binge eating, body hatred, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, coping skills, depression, Eating Disorders, Emotional Eating, Food Addiction, food and emotions, life skills, mental health, mental illness, overeating, PTSD, stress, stress eating, trauma