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A Colleague’s Life After Death Experience


On today’s episode, Lisa Joy interviews Jill Cloonan a friend as well as a colleague who crossed over to the other side and can now share her experience of the love she felt from loved ones. She also shares validation of her mediumship reading that she had only a couple of weeks ago, heaven and earth combined!

We would also greatly appreciate any and all of our listeners to give us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. It will go a long way in supporting our mission of moving widows around the world through grief! 

Please check out? our colleagues over at the Mental Health News Radio Network. There, you can find many great podcasts hosted by renowned hosts in the mental health field:

Also, we are proud to announce we have officially launched the Widow Walking Forward website! Please go check it out at

For more content from Lisa, visit the Facebook Page for Widow Walking Forward. Here, she posts uplifting and inspiring messages to keep you going through the day!

Lastly, we encourage all listeners to reach out through email at for support and encouragement. 

anxiety, coping skills, death of a partner, death of a spouse, depression, grief, grieving, healing, life skills, Lisa Joy, losing a partner, losing a spouse, love and loss, mental health, moving on, single parenting


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