A Healthy Model for Choice with Mia Lykke Nielsen
The horsemanship world is an interesting place. People who believe that force, anger, these are just dumb animals, etc. will argue forever and write off anyone that practices compassion, empathy, partnership, leadership. This will go on as it has until the end of time.
When you bring horses into a therapeutic environment all of the “take control over your horse” practices go right out the window. That will never work when it comes to utilizing horses with people that struggle with their mental health. Guess who struggles with their mental health at some point in their lives? EVERYONE.
You’d think and, maybe, hope that all of the strides we see from working in partnership with these amazing animals would trickle into the world of horses outside the counseling realm. Tune to to this show, hold back that need to write off what our guest does successfully without anger, without treats, and without those tired old fashioned ways of managing horses. Listen. Be open. Have an experience of letting a horse choose. It just might empower you to choose what you truly want in your own life!
Mia Lykke Nielsen starts where others quit. She never gives up. She calls a horse a horse and a spade a spade. She reads horses just like people become absorbed by the twists and turns in their books. She’s walked with them for years – through scorched wilderness and slippery mountain slopes. She sleeps in the barn with them when they are sick. Offers the kinship of a herd when they are lonely. Takes care of their hooves when the blacksmith gives up. Makes a horse feel so safe that it will stand still while the dentist removes a broken tooth.
With 300 wild Californian horses as her instructors, Mia has developed a unique knowledge of horses and horse behaviour. In just one month, Mia tamed and trained five wild mustangs to become calm and trusting domestic horses.
Added to this are Mia’s many years of work and experience in classic dressage and academic training in equine anatomy and biomechanics.
Horse owners from all over the Nordic countries send their horses to Mia. Young horses, show jumping horses, dressage horses, riding horses, wild horses, dangerous horses, misunderstood horses, problem horses and abandoned horses. They all end up in Mia’s care.