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A Psychiatrist’s Guide: Helping Parents Reach Their Depressed Tween

Gayani DeSilva, MD is a Psychiatrist. She is also the author of A Psychiatrist’s Guide: Helping Parents Reach Their Depressed Tween. Gayani’s second book, A Psychiatrist’s Guide: Stop Teen Addiction Before It Starts, will be in bookstores August 13th, 2019.

Gayani DeSilva, MD, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, obtained her medical training at Albany Medical College, internship at Brown University, and residency at Harvard University. She holds numerous awards and citations and currently is in private practice in Laguna Beach, CA. In addition to private practice, her previous work incudes Juvenile Justice and Foster Care. She was even Koko’s (the gorilla who learned sign language) doctor.

Dr. DeSilva has spent over 15 years as a Psychiatrist, specifically enhancing the mental health of children and adolescents. Much of her work consists of the complex array of needs with adolescent and young adult criminal and violent offenders to understand the interplay between mental illness, societal factors, and interpersonal issues. Gayani dedicates her psychiatric practice to improving children’s health and wellness. Straight talk and practical expertise are her tools of the trade to address the mental health needs of children and their families. She wields not just her expert medical opinion; she advocates to achieve wellness for the entire family.

Her first book, A Psychiatrist’s Guide: Helping Parents Reach Their Depressed Tween¸ helps parents learn to be cognizant of childhood developmental processes so that they can better support themselves in the process of raising their depressed or anxious teen.

clinical forensic psychologist, Dr. John Huber, life change, mental health, mental health perspectives, mental illness, positive change, psychology, psychology headlines, social issues

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