Addiction Counselor Certification Board: An Interview with Carmen Donoto
Carmen Donato, BA, CATC III has worked with CAADE since 2014. She is currently the Outreach Coordinator for CAADE and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts in Human Services, with a concentration in Mental Health Recovery. She also has a Certificate of Completion in Alcohol & Drug Studies from Long Beach City College, one of CAADE’s accredited programs. She is credentialed as a Certified Addictions Treatment Counselor and Certified Prevention Specialist under CAADE’s organization. She is currently at Cal State University, Dominguez Hills, earning her Master’s Degree in Social Work and plans on also earning a Doctorate Degree in Forensics Psychology once completing her MA and after becoming an LCSW. Carmen loves her ministry, hanging with friends, spending time with family, different types of music, and learning new cultures. She wishes to also teach in the field of mental health, substance abuse, and addiction studies. Carmen is currently an Integrated Behavioral Health Clinician at St. John’s. Well Child and Family Center providing direct services to Spanish speaking, under-deserved low SES, Co-Occurring Dx, LGBTQIA+, and/or Dual Dx individuals, while using a holistic approach and working with a Muti-Disciplinary team.
CAADE was a part of The Evolution of Addiction Treatment conference held in Los Angeles California in 2017.
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