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Adolescents and Anxiety with Dr. Kathryn D. Boger


Our thoughts and perceptions can shape how we react to situations. Before today’s interview, our trusty host talks about attempting to move past a bout of severe depression. Trevor then sits down with Dr. Kathryn Boger, Program Director of the McLean Anxiety Mastery Program (insert start time of interview),who shares her thoughts on ways to retrain our brains to realize things are not as bad as we initially think. Dr. Boger also discusses child and adolescent mental health, particularly the importance of early detection and early invention in children and adolescents, while also sharing what it was like for her to grow up as an anxious child.

anxiety, coping skills, depression, LGBTQ friendly, life skills, mental health, mental illness, Personality Disorders, psychiatric conditions, psychiatric disorders, resieliency, social issues, stress, trauma

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