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Anger Anonymous: The Big Book On Anger Addiction with Dr. Dennis Ortman


One of our hosts most compelling and personal shows. Dr. Ortman and Kristin Walker have a lively back and forth discussion about how anger can destroy the very fabric of your life. 

We live in the most aggressive society on the planet. The frequency of road rage, bullying, and violent crimes testifies to the intensity of our aggressive urges. For many, their anger becomes like a drug which energizes, numbs, and possesses them. They become like “rageholics” or “grudgeholics” who feel powerless over their hostile impulses.

Modeled on the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, this book serves as a guide to help those possessed by anger to recover. 

Viewing your anger as an addiction, Dr. Dennis Ortman guides you through the time-tested Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to find healing and growth. He shows how the Steps offer practical wisdom to use the natural energy of your anger wisely and well. The Steps provide guidance for your personal journey through your hostile moods so that you can discover your true self and release the Power within you.

Dennis Ortman, Ph.D., has been a clinical psychologist in private practice in the Detroit Metropolitan area for nearly 25 years, specializing in treating those with addictions. Before becoming a psychologist, he was a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of Detroit for 14 years. He received a doctorate in clinical psychology from the University of Detroit-Mercy and a graduate degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He has authored six books on recovery from addictions and infidelity and lectures on utilizing the wisdom of Freud and Buddha in treatment.


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