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Behavioral Health EHRs: The New Model for Integrated Care Technology

Our guest today on Mental Health News Radio is Brook West, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Valant — one of the leading Behavioral Health EHRs. We’ve enjoyed a long relationship with the Valant team even visiting their corporate office in downtown Seattle in 2014.

As the Behavioral Health market moves toward direct integration with primary care we turn our focus toward electronic health record software vendors that are already using new technology to deliver solutions. Vendors that have superior credibility and credentials in Behavioral Health, attract quality leadership, and possess an unparalleled infrastructure. Our listeners know that Behavioral Health is our passion. Technology designed by the right organizations have a direct effect on mental health providers and their ability to deliver patient care.

Join Brook West and our host, Kristin Sunanta Walker, as they discuss where Valant is headed and how their EHR solution is paving an entirely new road for Behavioral Health organizations.


BrookWestValantEHRQuestions for Brook during the show:

What problems does the Valant platform purport to solve for Community Behavioral Health and the Medicaid market?

How is the Valant platform designed to solve these problems?

How is Valant uniquely positioned to bring value to this market?

Why can’t current Electronic Health Record vendors do what Valant is doing?

What about security in cloud architecture?

Some of the criteria at everythingEHR for choosing a Behavioral Health EHR vendor is that the CEO must be a clinician, the company must have Behavioral Health providers, former insurance auditors, software engineers, etc. on staff.  What is Valant’s stance on this?

There is a great blend of culture at Valant with male and female leadership.  This has always impressed us. Why has Valant kept this kind of culture going?

What is Valant’s stance on where Behavioral Health technology is headed?

Valant started with 3 people on staff in 2005. Where are you with staff now?

If you could share one thing with the Community Behavioral Health Market, what would it be?

A true veteran of sales and business development, Brook West has spent 18 years in leadership and strategic roles, transforming departments within a variety of industries including software, media, hospitality, and corporate communications. Prior to joining Valant, Brook ran all sales, customer renewals and success, training, and business development for FuzeBox. As Vice President of Sales, Brook drove rapid growth and value through direct sales and ultimately drove the company value to 20X.

Having worked at, and done deals with, such established corporations including CBS, Virgin, Target, and AT&T, Brook was keen to take on the challenge of driving value through the adoption of Electronic Health Record technology for the Behavioral Healthcare industry in a rapidly growing start-up.

Brook has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh with a double major in Russian and Linguistics.

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