Borderline Personality Disorder: Let’s Change That Diagnosis with Dr. Jay Watts
Dr. Jay Watts joins us from “across the pond” where she works tirelessly to advocate for a change of understanding and diagnosis name regarding Borderline Personality Disorder. Frank King, The Mental Health Comedian, joins your host Kristin Walker navigating a fascinating interview about Dr. Watt’s work and her compassion for people struggling with severe trauma.
Dr Jay Watts is a consultant clinical psychologist and psychotherapist working in London. Jay is someone who has been through the psychiatric system herself and has dedicated the last couple of decades to trying to create fairer, kinder mental health services. She has been the clinical/management lead for an Integrative Psychotherapy Service, Systemic Therapy Pilot and Early Intervention in Psychosis Service as well as having held many senior academic posts training professionals. Jay has a particular focus on challenging ideas around ‘borderline personality disorder’ and campaigns actively for change alongside survivors using #TraumaNotPD to congregate. Jay writes regularly for the UK Broadsheets The Independent and The Guardian, as well as for academic journals. She spends far more time than she would like to admit tweeting as @Shrink_at_Large.