Celebrating 21 Years Sober and Lessons Learned with Rob Lohman
Celebrating 21 Years Sober and Lessons Learned with Rob Lohman
Rob Lohman is the Founder and Creator of LIFTED From The Rut. Divinely FREED from alcoholism and drug addiction in 2001, Rob has helped thousands of families, individuals and professionals discover FREEDOM from addiction. Rob has been interviewed on hundreds of podcasts, panel discussions and publications. He does this through sharing his testimony, Professional Interventions and Recovery Coaching, Advocacy, Event Speaking, and being the host of Beyond The Bars Radio Podcast and Addiction, Freedom & Faith Podcast. For more information, visit www.LiftedFromTheRut.com
Rob Lohman
Founder of Lifted From The Rut – Interventions, Coaching and Podcasting (www.LiftedFromTheRut.com)
Author of the upcoming book The Addiction Intervention Book (www.AddictionInterventionBook.com)