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The Healing Room Martha Juchnowski

Join former registered nurse, Martha Juchnowski, a healing facilitator and creator of Source Harmonics, an approach to healing using intuitive spiritual counseling and integrative energy work to guide the individual to discover the healer within and their sacred highest self. Have questions for Martha?

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A Mother’s Grief: A journey of Pain, Hope and Healing with Martha Juchnowski, Rn

July 7th, 2018 is the day my life, as I knew it, ended. It is the day my son, Christopher, died after a lengthy experience with cancer. My son, my child, my heart was in that moment torn from my life by the unapologetic and single minded hand of death. I tried in vain to describe the aftermath of this terrible event in the podcasts I did with Kristin Sunanta Walker called “A Mother’s Grief” and have no wish to retell the story, but I hope to offer some insights into the grief process and how it affects our body and mind along with some suggestions for self care that can provide some ease in the transition to our new life, the one we must learn to live without the presence of our child in physical form. I will not promise that the hole in your heart will ever be healed, nor will I say with any degree of certainty that one day, the tears will be forever dried. I can only describe what I have done to make my daily life less devastating and painful. I miss my son fiercely and while I accept that it was his time to leave this human experience, I want him back. As a healer, psychic and medium, my experience of this life event may be different from yours but what is not different is the fact that we are mothers who have lived through the ultimate nightmare, the death of our child. May we all heal…

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Soul Contracts and Pathological Abuse: Sandra L. Brown, M.A. & Martha Juchnowski

Join the founder of Sandra L. Brown, M.A. (Author of Women Who Love Psychopaths) and healer Martha Juchnowski examining the role of soul contracts and soul connections in relationship to Pathological Love Relationships (Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths). Our host Kristin Sunanta Walker moderates the discussion between these two incredible women as they delve into a discussion that not all survivors may be ready to explore.


Please enjoy Sandra’s first interview on Mental Health News Radio here.


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