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Cleansing Yourself From the Narcissist’s Toxic Brew


The opening scene from Shakespeare’s Macbeth has the Three Witches singing: 

“Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.”

The witches, casting spells, stirring their noxious potion represent “the darkness and depravity of the human soul that lends itself to evil.” 

The narcissistic personality is extraordinarily dark in that these individuals, throughout their lives, cause incalculable psychological, emotional and financial destruction to their victims and remain unaccountable for their malicious deeds.

Some people, narcissists in particular, make us feel sick. We cringe in their presence, feel nerve ending writhing, suspicion rising to panic. Our guts roil, we have the beginnings of a headache…We are thrown into the survival mode of childhood.

The following are signature character traits, identifying the narcissistic personality, that will open your eyes to the dark maneuvers they use to keep you under their control:

Project their vile unconscious errant thoughts, feelings and paranoias on to you in volleys of molten rage.

Riddle you with shame and guilt through litanies of false accusations. 

Threaten to abandon you, leaving you helpless and alone without monetary resources and any form of emotional support. 

In discard mode, you are expendable as if you never existed. Pernicious envy that motivates the narcissist to plot your financial downfall.

All relationships with a narcissist are exploitive, based on the maximum they can wrench away from you.

Narcissists force you into remaining in the fight or flight zone of fear, apprehension, anxiety, suspicion, self-doubt

Take action now to cleanse yourself of these malevolent dark forces.  Move into your restorative, calm, creative pathways. Practice self-care each day:

Eat nourishing food, hydration with pure water, sleep and rest, exercise your way, listen to beautiful music, Nature’s beauty, time with friends you trust.

Remove aggressive, manipulative, controlling narcissists from your environments, put yourself first, trust your intuition, evolve as your authentic true self.







after narcissistic abuse, Covert Narcissist, depression, emotional abuse, Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life, gaslighting, healing, Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D., manipulation, mental health, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, Narcissists, NPD, overt narcissist, personality disorder, psychological abuse, Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist, toxic people, toxic personalities, trauma

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