Covert Narcissist – Masters of the Psychological Ambush
Learning about the tactics and psychological background of the covert narcissist is essential to understanding and dealing with them successfully.
The covert narcissist comes from a parental source where genuine emotions could not be expressed. The covert learned very early that being authentic was not approved; it was frowned upon and considered weak and shameful. Even a character defect. Expressions of feelings by the small child in these families was demeaned. This child learned to detach from authentic feelings early and to use his will power to accomplish this. It becomes second nature to the covert narcissist.
Covert narcissists are low key but watch their moves. They are highly competitive, manipulative, intensely secretive and willing to mow you down to get what and whom they want like their grandiose cousins, the overt narcissists.
Learn to turn into the cues of this type of narcissist. If you sense an effusiveness toward you, be wary. Using your powers of observation and your keen intuition will always lead you to the truth about the covert narcissist.
after narcissistic abuse, Covert Narcissist, depression, emotional abuse, Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life, gaslighting, healing, Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D., manipulation, mental health, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, Narcissists, NPD, overt narcissist, personality disorder, psychological abuse, Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist, toxic people, toxic personalities, trauma