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Death Show: Communication With The Departed


Death Show: Communication With The Departed How can we send and receive messages to our beloved family members & friends who are no longer with us? Our three featured experts will offer several tools and techniques on how you can communicate with those who are in spirit. Featuring in order of appearance: 03:31 – Dr. Allan Botkin 27:43 – Philip Smith 46:26 – Psychic Medium Patricia Mischell =================================== Philip Smith Philip Smith is author of the Bestseller “Walking Though Walls” and an artist with works in the permanent collection of the Whitney, Boston Museum of Fine Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Perez Art Museum among others. Website: Dr. Allan Botkin Clinical psychologist Allan Botkin worked for 20 years treating combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 1995 he accidentally discovered that a variation of the therapy he was using (called EMDR) reliably resulted in his patients’ experiencing an after death communication with the deceased person they were grieving. The healing associated with these experiences went well beyond what has even been considered possible in the fields of trauma and grief work. Since then, Dr. Botkin has further developed and refined his method. He calls this therapy Induced After Death Communication, or IADC. In 2003 Dr. Botkin founded the Center for Grief and Traumatic Loss, LLC, and shifted his focus to the treatment of civilian grief and trauma. He is the author of the book, “Induced After Death Communication: A Miraculous for Healing Grief and Loss,” and has now trained many therapists all over the world in his procedure. Website: Patricia Mischell Patricia Mischell is a psychic medium who facilitates communication with those who are in spirit Website: death show, communication with the dead, channeling spirits, after death communication, psychic medium, Philip Smith, Dr. Allan Botkin, Patricia Mischell, Outer Limits of Inner Truth, afterlife, heaven

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