Dr Mary speaks with Stephanie Davis of Summit Counseling
Dr Mary speaks with Stephanie Davis, licensed counselor and certified therapist.
Stephanie Davis is a Nationally Certified Licenced Professional Counselor working in her private practice located in Birmingham, Alabama. She graduated the University of Alabama at Birmingham with her Masters in Counseling in 2013 and has worked for 10 years as a mental health provider specializing in grief, women’s issues, addiction and trauma. She is a US based Lifespan Integration Instructor, Consultant and Certified Therapist. Lifespan Integration (LI) is an innovative psychotherapy that understands the complexity of the body-mind system and how various traumas impact our daily interactions, perspectives, and emotions. She is passionate about sharing with other practitioners the power of LI and utilizes her teaching gifts to lead LI trainings in the southeast region of the U.S. When she is not working with clients or practitioners she is spending time with her family. She is a wife of 11 years and a mom of four parenting her two living children, ages 6 and 4.
Find out more about Stephanie at www.summitcounselingservice.com
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