Dr. Paul Meier Podcasts

Graciously, Dr. Paul Meier has joined our regular line-up as part of our round table discussions on Mental Health. Enjoy our shows with Paul, our team, and some surprise guests along the way! For more information about Dr. Paul Meier please visit his website at www.meierclinics.com.
To learn more about Dr. Paul Meier and his work, you can
Click on an episode below to start listening:
The Powerful Unseen Influences – Part 2
Hoarding and Mental Health
The Powerful Unseen Influences with Dr. Paul Meier
Easter is Near: Mental Health and the Holidays
Communal Narcissism with Dr. Paul Meier I
Passive Aggressive Personality
Just the Way You Are with Dr. Paul Wichansky
Our World View and How it Affects Us
What Is Generational Trauma?
CoVid Collateral Damage, Students Mental Health and Suicide Risk
Two Friends on Grace and Humility
Anniversary Emotions and Illnesses Part 2 with Dr. Paul Meier
Anniversary Illnesses and Emotions Part I with Dr. Paul Meier
What is Effective Leadership?
Know Thy Narcissism
Rapid Healing with Meier Clinics Day Program
The Correlation Between Giving and Success with Mitzi Perdue
The Family that Prays Together
Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny
Solitary Confinement and Remote Learning
Navigating the 7 Deadly Sins
Opioid Addiction and Medication
Review of 24 Guidelines for Healthy Marital Communication
Suicide Prevention
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Medication
Racism, Christianity, Mental Health with Dr. Antipas Harris
Love Addiction with Dr. Paul Meier
Narcissists: Born or Made?
REST is Vital for Your Mental Health with Dr. Paul Meier
People of Color: Examining Christianity with Dr. Antipas Harris
21 Hidden Signs of Psychopathy with Dr. Paul Meier
More Guidelines for Mature Marital Communications with Dr. Paul Meier
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs During Covid-19
Anxiety and Medication with Dr. Paul Meier
Oppositional Defiant Disorder with Dr. Paul Meier
Violence Begets Violence with Dr. Lisa Day
Mature Marital Communication Guidelines with Dr. Paul Meier
World Suicide Prevention Day with Dr. Paul Meier
Differing Opinions with Dr. Paul Meier
Mental Health First Responders During Covid-19
Sixteen Ways to Find Hope During Covid-19 with Dr. Paul Meier
Paranoid Personality Disorder with Dr. Paul Meier
Living With Uncertainty: Covid-19
Encouragement through Covid-19 with Dr. Paul Meier
Love and Power: Personal Power vs Ego Power
Embracing Powerlessness: The Foundation of Freedom
Coronavirus Facts with Dr. Paul Meier
Is My Mother Still Affecting Me?
Taking Our Temperature Around Sexual Harassment
Anger: The Mask of Vulnerability
Medication and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Warning Signs You Are Dealing With Evil
The Neuroscience of Gratitude
The Importance of Rest with Dr. Paul Meier
The Positives of an ADD/ADHD Brain with Dr. Paul Meier
Take the ADD and ADHD Test with Dr. Paul Meier
Traits Narcissists Seek In You
Sins and Virtues
Weathering An Existential Crisis
Fear Running Your Life: Episode II
Does Fear Run Your Life?
Internet Stalking: Trolling and Cyberstalking
The First Six Years of Life on Personality Development
Teens and Substance Abuse
Teens and Anxiety
Learned Helplessness
FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out!
Reclaiming the Real YOU!
Mental Health and Aging with Dr. Paul Meier
Dreams: Our Windows of the Soul
Dream Interpretation
The Dark Triad: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy
Grieving a Family Member’s Suicide
Anger and Resentment with Dr. Paul Meier
7 Coveted Traits a Narcissist Seeks In You
Healthy Friendships
You Might Be A Narcissist If….
Why Mentoring is Vital for Mental Health
Digital Media Addiction: What Is the Impact on Mental Health?
Rapid Healing Methods: Taking Your Mental Health to the Next Level
Meet Mary Beth Woll LMHC Of Meier Clinics Washington
Treatment Resistant Mood Disorders
Social Media: Your Kids and Sex Trafficking
Cultivating Compassion vs Drowning in Codependency
Healing the Shame
Inspired Wealth with Dr. Janice Hughes
The Pros and Cons of ADHD Medication
Generational Trauma: Mothers and Daughters
Forgiveness and Mental Health: The True Freedom
Answering Your Questions: Dr. Lisa Day on Women and ADHD
At Risk Teens: Taking a Look at Suicide
Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Is There a Fast Lane to Finding the Right Medication for Mental Illnesses?
Animals and Grief
Living with Bipolar Disorder
Animals and Mental Health
Empaths and the Role of Boundaries in Toxic Relationships
Dr. Lisa Day co-hosts relaunched Mental Health News Radio Network series Meier Clinics Podcast.
Differentiating Empaths from Highly Sensitive People
Boundaries: The Book of Should’s, by They
anxiety, authentic life, Author, behavioral health, bipolar disorder, Christian counseling, Christianity, community, coping skills, current events, de-stigmatizing mental health, depression, destigmatize mental health, destigmatizing mental health, Dr. Paul Meier, emotional abuse, empath, healing, healing life, healing lifestyle, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life skills, M.D., Meier Clinics, mental health, mental health awareness, Mental Health Round Table, Mental Health Roundtable, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, overall health, Paul Meier, podcast, psychiatric drugs, Psychiatric Medication, psychiatrist, Psychiatry, psychology, PTSD, Radio, Round Table, Roundtable, self-care, suicide, suicide prevention, trauma, Trauma recovery
I am SO HAPPY I re-found you, Dr. Meier!! I have so missed hearing you on the New Life Clinic program, and excited to hear your wisdom and sense of humor on your podcasts here!!!
I also am so happy to have refound you. I was a student in KS under your dear brother Dr. Richard Meier (the first person to tell me I was a sinner and needed Jesus)!And I listened to Minirth Meier on the radio for years. I am struggly with anxiety and depression and believe I had it after my 5 children were born, but the doctor never helped me get on top of it. Consequently, I am struggling now and with 5 children 15 to 24, who need a godly mother. I was also thrown into a bunch of 5 point calvinists to a cultish degree and they certainly enjoy messing with a persons head and never got any of those ideas from you or Pastor Meier. Thank you for your clarity on the gospel and your desire to reach the whole person, even mental struggles. I saw that Richard went to be with the Lord in November. I am sure you miss him. He could always say things so clearly. Do you ever talk about ruminating thoughts and the lack of peace there? I would take any advice you could give in any of these areas. Through books, or anything. I am struggling and desire to be better soon.
Melanie Vann
Hi Mae,
We love Dr. Meier too! I’ve forwarded your comment to him and thank you so much for listening!