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Duke Rumley- Sober AF

Aaron and Dukes discuss Duke’s solution to teens and adults getting high. It’s pure genius. Duke Rumley has been working in the Recovery Field for over 9 years in many different roles. He has learned from his role as an Interventionist, Alumni Manager and Marketing Director. He is a person in long-term recovery, since May 1989, and has been an active member of the recovery community from the beginning, along with an avid live music fan. After an 18 year career on Wall Street, Duke went to work at a nonprofit, Harmony Foundation. He helped start their Veterans Alumni Fundraiser and the National Recovery Skiathon. He has worked closely with the Association of Recovery in Higher Education, Phoenix Multisport and Young People in Recovery, all nonprofit support groups.

addiction, anxiety, at risk teens, at risk youth, becoming self aware, child raising, coping skills, depression, drug abuse, family, family issues, life lessons for kids, life skills, living sober, mental health, mental illness, parenting, Parents, PTSD, raising children, raising kids, raising teens, residential treatment, resiliency, self aware children, self aware kids, self aware teens, self-awareness, Sober living, stress, substance abuse, substance misuse, Teenagers, Teens, trauma

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