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Embrace Your Individuality


You knew that you were different from your family of origin. They insisted that you obey and conform. Many of you did this because of the threat of punishments, shaming or recriminations. Despite intimidations you forged your own pathways in your mind, knew that you were unique, not part of this family, often narcissistic parents, and quietly took your own counsel. 

Growing up in this family was very difficult and complex. But you forged ahead, sometimes slowly, feeling that you were in a trap and not knowing how to rescue yourself. Always you followed the light of our consciousness and paid close attention to the messages of your intuition which protected and inspired you. Sometimes there were a few individuals who understood and respected your individuality and encouraged your pursuits.

Spontaneity, a unique genuine response to ourselves, others and our internal and external environments. The ability to express a variety of emotions, joy, humor, sadness, compassion, anger. 

Beauty is a source of inspiration and healing. We find beauty everywhere, in the natural world, in the inner core of others, in our spiritual practice. 

A spiritual practice as you define it: meditation, prayer, Nature. 

Unleashing your creativity, remember who you are and are becoming. What form does this take for you – unedited writing, fiction and nonfiction, drawing, painting, dancing, singing.

Maintaining your strength and stamina: sleep, rest, eat nourishing food, movement and exercise that works for you.

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