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Episode 30: Sessions with Sarahf #1

Welcome to Sessions with Sarahf! This may or may not become a regular event, we’ll see! We talk about a lot of stuff in this episode. You know like, how to save the world and the concept of consent..

Farrah is a wonderful human that we are so excited to call our dear friend. She is an incredible person and we dare you to try and keep up with her! Along with owning and operating several businesses, she is a Certified Master Herbalist/Medical Botanist, Reiki Master Teacher, Natural Health Consultant, and natural medicine doctorate student. I mean, that’s what her website says, but honestly, that’s BARELY scratching the surface.

So thankful she joined us for this episode and can’t wait to have her back! She’s a legit badass and we love her. Below are some of her links!


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