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Episode 78: An International public and TEDx speaker and best selling author, Zoe Burnett (she/hers) is a diet culture rebel

Catherine and Francis were excited to speak with diet culture rebel and eating disorder campaigner, Zoe Burnett. Zoe is an Amazon best selling author of “inside my ed” and an international public and TEDx speaker. She brings all of that experience — as well as her lived experience recovery from an eating disorder — to this interview. Filled with energy, knowledge, and passion, Zoe recalls her own journey experiencing an eating disorder, being diagnosed with atypical anorexia, having the support of her husband, bashes the BMI, and gives her insights on how government policies contribute to development of poor body image and eating disorders. Zoe’s goal is to try to inspire, with empathy, to embrace the notion of body acceptance, whilst exposing the harms of diet culture, encouraging us to count the memories, not the calories. And she did just that!

CW: eating disorder behaviors, recalling of suicidal ideation and physical abuse, trauma

anexoria, anorexia nervosa, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder, binge eating, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, bulimia, bulimia nervosa, Catherine Brown, eating disorder, eating disorder recovery, eating disorder stigma, Eating Disorders, family issues, Francis Iacobucci, men with eating disorders, mental health, mental illness, mental illness stigma, pica


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