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Fearless with Abby Martin


Abby Martin is an American journalist and presenter of The Empire Files The Empire Files is an investigative news program on the satellite network teleSUR English and YouTube. She was formerly the host of Breaking the Set on the Russian network RT America, working from the Washington, D.C. bureau. Before hosting her own show, she had worked for two years as a correspondent for RT America. Martin is also an artist and activist, and helped found the citizen journalism website Media Roots. She serves on the board of directors for the Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored. Martin appeared in the documentary film Project Censored The Movie: Ending the Reign of Junk Food News (2013), and co-directed 99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film (2013). The Empire Files “explores the U.S. Empire, its rise to world hegemony and its impact on people and the planet… recording a world shaped by war & inequality.” The Empire Files can also be heard on new North State radio station KFOI 90.9 fm. Videos can be watched on or YouTube. You can also find some content from The Empire Files at Or you can listen free to podcast episodes of The Empire Files on SoundCloud. One might think that Abby Martin’s sensibilities are because she experienced political oppression, but Wikipedia says that she “grew up in Pleasanton, California, where she attended Amador Valley High School, graduating in 2002. She became interested in journalism when her old high school boyfriend enlisted in the military after the September 11 attacks in 2001. ‘I didn’t want him going to war, let alone fighting in one’, she recalls. ‘I began to critically ask ‘What is really going on?’ By the time she was a sophomore at San Diego State University, she began questioning what she called the ‘selling’ of the Iraq War by the media.” Millennial Magazine portrayed Martin in 2014 as an “unfiltered” media representative for the Millennial generation who reports “stories that deserve public recognition”. Weblinks: The Empire Files: www.theempirefiles.flv  

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