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Female Leadership in New Media: Binge Networks TV Founder Bonnie Bruderer


MHNR Network is always looking for ways to have our content in front of more people. We’ve aligned with Binge Network TV so that our podcasts, Facebook Live posts, and other digital content can now be streamed across 50 television networks such as Sony, Roku, Hulu, Apple TV, and more. Join our founder, Kristin Sunanta Walker, as she interviews the founder of Binge Networks. Bonnie Bruderer is a film and TV producer with over 700 television segments, and the writer, director, producer of the documentary: INFLUENCER on the social media generation and the advertising industry.

With a strong background in technology and media, she started her career at companies like CitySearch, NBC Internet, Active Networks and learned first hand how to build and sell emerging media. She worked for two decades, touring with some of the world’s top personal development gurus including Tony Robbins, Harvey Mackay and others.

She founded BINGE networks, which is a multi-channel media network for creators and brands, with syndication on 50 top OTT television networks.

The company has a proprietary technology that can instantly get any video content featured in outlets all over the world. She is a kickboxer, an avid dog-lover, and auntie and has starred in multiple fight movies. She is also a four-time author and holds 10 certifications in human potential and coaching, including Columbia University’s Executive Coaching Program.


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