From Sobriety to the Shark Tank..It’s Totally Doughp : Kelsey Witherow
You made it! So here’s a little about me, Kelsey Witherow — the proud founder of Doughp…
From the words of Kelsey herself…..
First off – I’ve got an insatiable sweet tooth, a passion for making people happy, and a love of creating wild confections! I was raised by a big family in Sacramento, California who can all agree on one thing – food. is. awesome.
While I spent (and enjoyed!) a decade in high-tech product marketing before starting Doughp, my one true love is dessert. It’s a toss-up if I like baking more or watching other people enjoy what I make! To put your heart into something, truly enjoy doing it, and see others light up with their first bite – there’s nothing more rewarding than that.
Unfortunately, I’d lost my love of baking for a number of years. I was sort of coasting through life; killing it at school and with my corporate job – but in my personal life I was struggling with addiction. My issues with alcohol started in high school and ballooned during my years in college. I passed it off, as many do, to just crazy college times and that I’d get the hang of it as I got older. But I never did. My relationship with alcohol was unhealthy and to still have so many nights into my mid-twenties where I’d wake up terribly embarrassed, confused, and with just partial memories from the night before – I knew it was time to call it quits. I wanted to be the best version of myself, all the time.
After getting sober in 2015, I rediscovered that love of baking. Cookies to be precise…and occasionally not always baking that dough. Cookies are the ultimate go-to. Without fail, any time I made cookies, I’d always save some of the cookie dough for snacking on. Cookies are a total 2-for-1; melt-in-your mouth dough before you bake it, and warm chewy cookies after baking! I felt like a bit of an unnecessary rebel though, as consuming raw eggs in the dough was definitely not chill. As I turned to a healthier lifestyle and became what I call a ‘part-time vegan” over the last few years, I’d swapped the recipe’s eggs for a vegan substitute. I was a pretty awful vegan TBH, so I was leaving those eggs out but including butter (PSA: Butter is incredible.) And BOOM – I realized I’d made an indulgent and slightly more “guilt-free” way to dig in without risking getting sick!
Once I had this delicious dessert, it was time to figure out how to get it out to the masses! Building Doughp was a way to bring this widely-loved sweet out of your kitchen and into the public where you can enjoy it with friends, family or out on a date. I wanted to build a dessert shop that had those Bay Area vibes and was full of pop culture references and ridiculous sayings my friends & I use. Raised in Northern California, I crafted this brand for my fellow millennials; building off the different cultures/experiences I grew up with. I’m bringing out a treat that can bring back childhood memories – with a brand that is anything but childish. Doughp is a little edgy, slightly sarcastic, and delicious AF.
I can most certainly say Doughp wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t made the decision to stop drinking and I hope my journey can inspire others struggling with their own addictions. Really dope stuff can happen in sobriety, I promise… 🙂
So here I am! Doughp is ready to rock your world and make this world a little sweeter.
Stay chill,
To learn more about Rob Lohman, visit
addiction, Advocacy, bipolar disorder, Christianity, coping skills, depression, incarceration, life skills, living sober, Opiods, Opioid Addiction, Opioids, recovery, self-care, Sober Coach, Sober living, substance abuse, substance misuse, substance recovery