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Get Your Mitzvah On!


Mitzvah is a Jewish term that refers to a commandment to do good deeds unto others. Liora Tedgi, the founder of Ohr Meir & Bracha The Terror Victims Support Center (, based in Jerusalem) Is the epitome of mitzvah.

I had the privilege of volunteering a few times during my stay in Israel. This program is one fueled by compassion, kindness and seeking to alleviate heart ache and trauma. I was in awe of this program and their mission.

With a new year upon us and 365 days behind us, the choice is ours. How will we respond to personal challenges, difficult seasons in life? Will we step forward seeking to find the positive in all things? Will we choose to spread kindness rather than anger or bitterness?

How we choose to go forward in all chapters of our life has a tremendous influence on our mental health, our outlook on life and the potential we have to impact the lives of others. The choice, my friend, is ours.

I encourage you to visit Liora’s website and if you feel lead, feel free to donate to an organization that is spreading mitzvah on a daily basis. If you happen to visit Jerusalem, know you will be welcomed with open arms to donate your time and energy.

Wishing you a new year filled with peace, love and mitzvah.

Special thanks to our sponsor, Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Program. (

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