How Is This Strange Time Affecting You? – TPS427
In this episode I share some thoughts about what each of us can do to overcome feelings of aloneness and powerlessness that are affecting a lot of people during this difficult time.
I’m trying to identify the emotions, both comfortable and uncomfortable, that I’m experiencing now.
Because I like to solve problems, not knowing how to help leads me to feel powerless.
I have no power to change what’s going on outside of me. I can only change what’s going on inside of me.
The people in power don’t understand what ordinary people have to go through.
What can each of us do – what actions can we take – to help lift the burden that so many are feeling.
Although there’s a lot of aloneness going on, we have the opportunity to reach out and connect to others.
It’s important to reach out to others and be authentic about how you are feeling and what you are dealing with.
If we share our feelings with others, both up and down, we can feel more whole.
Who might you reach out to just to ask How are you doing?
How can you re-perceive the current situation?
We need to connect to and support others.
We have to look beyond the past and into the future. And, you have the right to imagine a positive future.
Try to imagine positive solutions and results of what has been happening.
How can you look into the future and see a positive story?
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anxiety, authentic self, Authenticity, Build Your Money Muscles, business coach, Corona Virus, Coronavirus, courage, courage to change, covid, Covid-19, depression, fear, financial health, Global Pandemic, healthy money, holistic business, holistic success, internal environment, Joan Sotkin, life change, life purpose, low-stress, mental health, Mental Health Business, mental illness, MONEY, Pandemic, practical business, prosperityplace, purpose, reduce stress, reducing fear, stress