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Introducing Inside the Aspergers Studio


Join Kristin as she welcomes Reid Miles to Mental Health News Radio Network with his podcast Inside the Aspergers Studio. Join them for some great conversation about living life on the spectrum. Reid Miles, diagnosed with both ADHD and High-functioning Autism, began his blog, Aspergers Studio, in 2018 at the age of 47. He has since followed that with his podcast Inside the Aspergers Studio where he has a wide array of content for those who are on the spectrum or love someone who is.

Reid Miles, diagnosed with both ADHD and later in life, High-functioning Autism, is the founder of the Aspergers Studio blog, and the founder and host of his podcast, Inside the Aspergers Studio. He began his blog at 47 years old in 2018 feeling the need to share his adventures and advice with others who are similar and in some of the same situations as he has been. He has since voyaged even further into podcasting to reach more of an audience. Reid has obtained a Bachelor’s degree online and has furthered his education with a Post Graduate Certification which he received while traveling abroad.


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