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Introducing NeuroDiverse Christian Couples


Listen in as Kristin talks to Dr. Stephanie Holmes and her husband, Dan Holmes, as they discuss their journey of having a child diagnosed on the spectrum and, in time, Dan diagnosed as an adult.  Dr. Holmes has previously been the host of Springbrook’s Converge Autism Radio podcast here on Mental Health News Radio Network. Get to know them both as they introduce their new podcast, NeuroDiverse Christian Couples.  Within this show they share their goals of building connection and communication about their life’s journey together as they navigate challenges that come with neurodiverse relationships. 
Dr. Holmes seeks to bring restoration and spiritual renewal to individuals and couples facing challenging situations. By combining affordable rates with a desire to glorify God in all that transpires through the counseling/coaching process, she offers life-changing hope to troubled lives. Through the International Association of NeuroDiverse Christian Marriages, LLC she wants to educate and equip others to build effective strategies for NeuroDiverse Christian Marriages.

Dan Holmes believes there is no greater office one can hold than that of a husband and father. Since both roles require complicated interplay on many levels, Dan also believes God has provided help through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the counsel of others, and the work of life coaches.


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