Jane Barratt — The Goal is Connection
Dr. Jane Barratt is the Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing (IFA), an organization in formal relations with the United Nations and World Health Organization. With over 35 years of experience in the field of ageing and disability across sectors she brings to audiences her insights into the new frontier of thinking and action with and on behalf of older people. The recent IFA 14th Global Conference on Ageing in Toronto attracted some 1,200 delegates from 74 countries focussing on themes such as healthy ageing, ageism, addressing inequalities and age friendly environment toward the WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing. Find out more about the IFA at www.ifa-fiv.org.
Find out more about the Zestful Aging Podcast at NicoleChristina.com, and become a patron at Patreon.com/ZestfulAging.
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