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Jennifer Elizabeth Masters: Orgasm For Life


In this episode of The Rehab, Jennifer Elizabeth Masters joins me for a second time to discuss her book, Orgasm For Life. While it is a book about sex, it is also much, much more. It is also a book about relationships and communication. While you may want to save this one for when the children are not in the room, you should make plans to listen. 

An important part of recovering from addiction is maintaining a network of support. This should include family and loved ones who are closest to you and know you best. If you are in a relationship, such as marriage, an important part of overcoming addiction is improving communication in your relationship and finding ways to understand each others needs.

For over a decade Jennifer has empowered thousands of women to find love, passion and happiness in their lives and relationships helping them heal co-dependency, addictions, depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, fears and suffering.

Jennifer is an International Best-Selling author, Channel, certified love and happiness coach, Hypnotherapist, Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner, reads the Akashic Records is a Master Energy Healer, ordained minister and mother of three spiritually grounded adults.

What her clients like best about her is that she listens without judgment, is completely present and is highly tuned into the Divine and Universal which profoundly assists her clients with their process exactly where they are trying to get clarity.

Visit the Jennifer’s official website:

addiction, addiction recovery, addiction treatment, alcoholism, anxiety, depression, Dr Mark Leeds, drug addiction, drug addiction treatment, Drug Counseling, mental health, mental illness, open minded treatment, opiate addiction, Opiates, Opioid Addiction, opioid crisis, opioid epidemic, Opioids, psychotherapy, recovery, Recovery from addiction, spirituality, Suboxone, substance abuse, substance abuse treatment, Substance Use Disorder, suicide

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