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Killing the Dragon

Smoking Cigarettes has been deemed just as addictive as using Heroin; my guest today refutes this claim. John De Miranda has been substance-free for over 40 years and has dedicated his life to researching and understanding the Nicotine Industry.

Today, he wants to call parents and our culture out on how we educate our youth around the subject of substance use and distinguish myth from fact when it comes to addiction and experimentation.

addiction, anxiety, at risk teens, at risk youth, becoming self aware, child raising, complex post traumatic stress disorder, coping skills, depression, drug abuse, family, family issues, life lessons for kids, life skills, living sober, mental health, mental illness, parenting, PTSD, raising children, raising kids, raising teens, resiliency, self aware kids, self aware teens, self-awareness, Sober living, stress, substance abuse, substance misuse, Teenagers, Teens At Risk

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