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Learning To Listen


We all need someone to hear us and allow us to feel heard. Cyprus Samaritan Charity offers that and provides and amazing example of compassion, empathy and kindness.

I chat with John Bingham, Secretary to Cyprus Samaritan, on how we all need someone to listen to us as well as learning how to listen…really listen without casting judgement. Listeners of Samaritan Charity lend an ear to those who struggle with anxiety, depression, grief, thoughts of self harm and the emotional list goes on. A program that is run entirely by volunteers this program is part of an underground movement in making mental health a more approachable and acceptable topic nationwide.

Samaritan Charity is run entirely on donations. If you feel lead to contribute to this program, donations can be made via:

Special thanks to our sponsor Fire Mountain Residential Treatment Center for making this episode possible. Please head to

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