Looks and tones – how non verbal communication can trigger us and how to survive them.
A look, a tone, a side eye… those of us with BPD (EUPD), who identify as emotionally sensitive and/or have been affected by trauma can be affected by other peoples’ non verbal communication in ways that may seem extreme and confusing to others, and sometimes to ourselves. In this minisode I explore why we sometimes experience such emotionally explosive reactions and a few ways we can manage distressing interpersonal communications. Please note: if you are in a significant relationship of any kind with someone who uses non verbal communication to shame, bully or demean you, please seek professional help. For more information on Radical Acceptance, as discussed in this episode: https://psychcentral.com/blog/what-it-really-means-to-practice-radical-acceptance/
borderline, Borderline Personality Disorder, BPD, childhood abuse, childhood emotional abuse, childhood sexual abuse, Childhood Trauma, cPTSD, mental health, mental illness, personality disorder, PTSD, sexual abuse, trauma