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Marlene Bagnull : Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference May 16-19, 2018


A Word from CCWC’s Director Marlene Bagnull, Litt.D.

I love watching Father work! 

And I am so grateful for the outstanding faculty of 26  editors, 6 agents, 8 other professionals, and 19 authors He has provided for our May 16-19, 2018, conference. If you’re into numbers and looking for lots of opportunities to pitch your work, our 26 editors represent 22 book publishers and 13 print and online publications!  If you attend Thursday through Saturday you get FIVE one-on-one appointments. Come for two days and you get THREE appointments. And if you can only come one day, you still get TWO appointments. And there is no additional charge for these appointments!

Thank You, Father, for providing a great faculty. And thank You that CCWC is about so much more than numbers. It’s about
inspiring keynotes that will challenge you to “write His answer”growing your writing and marketing skills through classes taught by gifted professionalsreceiving valuable feedback on your work from our faculty in free 15-minute appointments and optional 30-minute paid critiques forming deep friendships with others who share your passion for the Lord and wordsand most important of all, hearing from the Lord in the magnificent setting of the Rocky Mountains

Tune in!

To learn more about Rob Lohman, visit or call 970-331-4469

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