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Medicating Normal – The intersection between human suffering and profit-driven medicine


You do NOT want to miss one of the most powerful interviews we have done! Medicating Normal is a documentary film that explores the untold story of what happens when profit-driven medicine intersects with human suffering.

In this podcast, Director Lynn Cunningham discusses her hope that Medicating Normal will present one very important and predominantly untold story. Her mission is that, as a society, we can begin a meaningful, informed, nationwide discussion about what it means to be fully human and mentally well.

Angela Peacock, MSW, former U.S. Army Sergeant, and subject of the film, Medicating Normal is a mental health advocate, a writer, and a YouTube creator who travels in her RV across the United States in an effort to improve the mental health care system and bring voice to patients who have been harmed by it.

Medicating Normal focuses on the predicament of 5 individuals whose lives were profoundly impacted by the medication they were taking. This group – individuals facing trauma and stress were drugged needlessly and made sicker as a result. Understanding the harm that had befallen them – especially in the context of the misleading science and marketing behind these drugs – compelled Lynn, her Co-Director, Wendy and their team to make this groundbreaking film.

For more information and community screenings of the film, go to

anxiety, Bipolar, childhood abuse, Childhood Trauma, counseling, courage, cPTSD, depression, domestic violence, gender identity, generational trauma, healing, Jann Simmons, Love, mental health, mental illness, mother daughter, mothers, PTSD, Shari Simmons, suicide, therapy, transformation, trauma, trauma survivor

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