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Meet the Psychologically Damaged Real Self of the Narcissistic Personality


Beneath a series of charming, alluring, charismatic masks and artifices lies the true embattled, damaged real self of the narcissist. 

The narcissist is a very restless, easily bored human being. His goal is always to be on top and better others.  The narcissist truly believes consciously that he is superior and better than others. 

The narcissist fools most people in that they would never surmise that the mystery beneath the bravado is a severely distraught, damaged real self. The narcissist’s inability to have insight is caused by an inner psychic core that is hollow, inert, fragmented, severely regressed at the approximate age of two years.

Those who share their lives with narcissistic personalities, especially spouses and children, travel a very difficult and complex path. 

Those who live with the narcissist are subject to his cruel, harsh defense mechanisms, especially the projection of narcissistic rage, accusations, recriminations, humiliations that have a hurtful traumatic on their recipients. The narcissist controls spouses and children without mercy. He keeps them from being or expressing themselves as authentic, separate individuals. 

You come to a time of decision knowing that you will free yourself from the narcissistic personality. 

This is your intrinsic right and destiny. Move forward along your own unique pathway of recover, healing and creativity. 

Please click and subscribe to my You Tube Channel: Healing After the Narcissist.

Click and purchase my books at Amazon: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist and Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life.

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after narcissistic abuse, Covert Narcissist, depression, emotional abuse, Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life, gaslighting, healing, Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D., manipulation, mental health, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, Narcissists, NPD, overt narcissist, personality disorder, psychological abuse, Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist, toxic people, toxic personalities, trauma

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