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Ms. Complexities – When there is no roadmap


Join us for a very “real” discussion with Ms. Complexities, as she talks about her complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) and her winding road to a healthier place, where her inner child can run free and play! In this candid podcast, we hear about Ms. Complexitie’s childhood growing up with a narcissist, finding her own identity and whether all of this recovery “$*!%” is worth it. You’ll fall in love with her vulnerability and fearlessness as she puts words to crazy circumstances, an eating disorder, sobriety and what recovery is all about.

Ms. Complexities has her own podcast on the Mental Health News Radio Network, called Complexities Podcast, where she and her partner discuss healing trauma and how people can break free from the abusive cycles in their lives and in their minds.

anxiety, Bipolar, childhood abuse, Childhood Trauma, counseling, courage, cPTSD, depression, domestic violence, gender identity, generational trauma, healing, Jann Simmons, Love, mental health, mental illness, mother daughter, mothers, PTSD, Shari Simmons, suicide, therapy, transformation, trauma, trauma survivor

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