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Narcissists Decimate and Destroy Their Families


When you meet a narcissist you would never guess that they are decimating their families: spouses, children, siblings, in-laws. 

Some children learn to keep a distance from their narcissistic family members. Others survive by becoming invisible, spending time away with friends, hiding in their rooms or escaping into books. They avoid the narcissistic parent whenever they can. 

Some children are golden, chosen by the narcissistic parent as perfect, brilliant, talented, attractive, magnetic, like little gods. The golden ones become narcissistic pariahs, traumatizing and harming their siblings in excruciating ways. 

Some children from these highly dysfunctional, destructive families as adults are genuine, solid, kind, empathic, creative and productive. 

I honor and respect you as survivors of narcissistic families. 

You are a precious individual. You have achieved a life enhancing goal: separation and individuation from our family of origin despite all odds. You are in charge, you judgment is insightful and firm. You deserve to evolve and thrive with your many creative gifts. Practice self care each day: good sleep, rest, beautiful music, creative projects, exercise your way. Go into the calming parasympathetic nervous system of the body/mind. Keep faith with yourself, appreciate who you are, a singular, authentic original self. 

Please click and subscribe to my You Tube Channel: Healing After the Narcissist

Click to purchase my eBook on Amazon: Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist -This book will help you tremendously with specific practices for your healing, restoration, creativity and evolution.

Click the link for the Mental Health News Radio Network: Our Shows. This great network  covers every facet of Mental Health. These special podcasters are truth tellers, authentic, empathic with pathos and humor. I have a podcast on this wonderful network, The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

after narcissistic abuse, Covert Narcissist, depression, emotional abuse, Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life, gaslighting, healing, Linda Martinez-Lewi Ph.D., manipulation, mental health, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic personality disorder, Narcissists, NPD, overt narcissist, personality disorder, psychological abuse, Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist, toxic people, toxic personalities, trauma

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