Neutrality and Diversity in the Workplace–Advice from Rob Jones

You may have been taught about diversity in the workplace. However, Rob Jones discusses what is working and what is not working with diversity training. He further discusses neutrality….check out the show!
More about Rob Jones:
Rob Jones is President and CEO, InclusiveWorks®/IngoodCompany LLCs, a Pittsburgh-based consulting firm with a unique, innovative approach to Diversity & Inclusion through management systems. In a career as diverse as any, Rob has enjoyed lengthy and distinguished service to the energy industry in three F-500 companies, held management positions in Marketing, Sales, Community Relations, State and Federal External/Public Affairs, and Economic Development. Rob served as an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (IMDI), where he taught information systems and business information management.
For more information on workplace bullying: