NFL Controversy & How To Stay Strong In The Face of Adversity
Mainstream Mental Health Radio
Topic: Weathering the Storm: How to Keep a Positive Attitude Amongst Change
Featured Guest:Alton Pete / Retired Army, US
Author of “Life is So Precious:
There are so many things currently happening, both domestically in the U.S. and globally around the world that without a doubt has affect all of us in a very stressful and crazy way. It’s sort of like a whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, thunder and lightning storm with a taste of sunshine coming at us with a lot of force. I’m feeling compelled to list a few positive words and some positive ways of dealing with this uncomfortable moment by providing some important tips. Morality is yet vital for everyone one of us to continue learning and holding on to our moral values.
1.Take a break for a few days from watching the news; gather yourself by getting yourself together and take deep, deep breath let it out slowly and feel that fresh air stream out of your lungs. This will allow your mind and your heart to rejuvenate by feeling refreshed and lively.
2.Find yourself, discover yourself, believe in yourself and remember We are, you are Created to Win. Regardless, whatever kind of circumstances we are facing today. Your confidence level, your self esteem, your happiness must not be compromised for anyone or anything.
3.Try some type of exercising; go for a nature walk on a hiking trail; go for a jog or visit the community gym, a great place to socialize and speak to other positive people who are doing the same thing. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Then nurture yourself by eating a hearty healthy meal and rest your mind.
anxiety, clinical forensic psychologist, depression, Dr. John Huber, Forensic Psychology, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life change, mental health, mental health perspectives, mental illness, positive change, psychology, psychology headlines, Ryan McCormick, social issues, substance abuse, Substance Use Disorder