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On Being Fearless — Intimate Partner Violence, Women Empowerment & Well-Being: Interview with J'Anmetra “JoJo” Waddell | Episode 90

TRIGGER WARNING: This episode covers distressing content about domestic violence and physical, sexual and emotional assault.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

~Marianne Williamson

“I can breathe. I can think.”

When J’Anmetra was imprisoned in her home under the threat of her husband, this was her mantra. One that kept her alive and ultimately allowed her the ability to escape.

According to SAMHSA (Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration) survivors of intimate partner violence are twice as likely to have multiple suicide attempts, according to a study published in the Journal of Injury & Violence Research, intimate partner problems were identified as a precipitating circumstance in 30% of all suicide cases in the National Violent Death Reporting System. And yet, the connection between intimate partner violence and suicide is under-addressed on many fronts.

In this episode, we bear witness to the inspiring story of J’Anmetra Waddell and her courage to break free from the bonds of her abuser — her husband and the Pastor of her church. She shares her how her near-miss with suicide transitioned to her journey to becoming an advocate for other survivors of domestic violence.

About J’Anmetra “JoJo” Waddell, MBA/HCM
J’Anmetra Waddell, is the ONLY Live Past Crazy Specialist! She works strategically with women to R.I.S.E – mastering their source of power as a mindset mediator.

J’Anmetra is an Amazon’s International Bestselling Author of Fearless Woman Born to Give Thanks and Transition to Freedom and four other amazing books. She has received Author of the Year Award for two consecutive years and has had the opportunity to share the screen with the late actor Tommy Ford in the movie The Last Time. She is the founder of Be Fearless Inc, Waddell Consulting Services helping companies educate their senior leadership and employees on empathy and employee engagement. She has an MBA in Healthcare Management and currently finishing her Ph.D.

She is a strong advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. At 40, she instantly understood that she had to start being who she was born to be; a leader, teacher, trainer, thought creator, a REBEL!

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