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311:Be Patient

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310:Jumping The Gun

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307:Just Kidding

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306:Cash Or Credit?

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304:What's Up?

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301:Why Am I Here?

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259:Giving Back To Dave White

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256:Counseling With EA (Erick Allen)

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255:Rest In Peace

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254:Between The Lines

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What is Autism Rocks and Rolls

Sam Mitchell, a teenager living with autism, brings you Autism Rocks and Rolls. Although Sam has had obstacles in the past and still has daily struggles, he is using this platform to take away the stigma off of autism and other conditions that many think are disabilities. He often brings guests into the conversation, whether it be family members, friends, celebrities, or others involved in the world of autism. He wants to prove that he is not broken and does not need to be fixed. Sam has a lot of fun along the way and really loves to entertain his audience. Listen to this podcast and go into the mind of Sam.


The views, opinions and endorsements expressed in each podcast episode are those of the host and guests, and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Mental Health News Radio Network.


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