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Passions Can Be Careers


What the DSM calls “restrictive interests” can actually be passions and foundations for future career possibilities. Join Dr. Holmes as she interviews Autism Advocate and Aspie, Sydney Homes, on her finding her future career and pairing her passions for her future career.

Sydney has spoken at various autism conferences as the voice of someone on the spectrum from personal experience and eager to educate others. She has been published in Autism Parent Magazine, Autism/Asperger’s Digest, and the new magazine Exceptional Needs Today. Sydney has also been published academically as a student for a peer-reviewed journal.

Photo credit: Pictures were also featured in Exceptional Needs Today, Issue 2.

Sydney resides in Georgia. She is passionate about ending human sex trafficking and makes handmade soaps to raise money for Project Rescue. If you live near Carrollton, GA her soaps are available at a local store, Re-Thread Thrift Store by Simple Suds by Syd.

Sydney is a proud Aspie and advocate for Autism acceptance. Having navigated through homeschool, Christian school, public school, and college as a person on the Autism Spectrum, she loves to educate the educators on how to best include students on the autism spectrum in both education and the church setting.

She is pursuing her Master’s in her passion, Public History with Museum Certification and serves as a graduate research assistant. Sydney is available to speak to colleges, churches, public school educators about autism acceptance and action for best inclusion practices sharing her personal experiences of those who mentored and empowered her and practices by well-intentioned professionals that were harmful and left a negative impact. She co-speaks with Dr. Holmes and serves on panels upon request.

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