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Pruning the People in the Garden of Your Life


Hey, it’s Amy Newmark with your Chicken Soup for the Soul and today I’m going to share a piece of advice that seems to shock a lot of people—that you’re allowed to CHOOSE your friends, and if they’re no longer working for you—UNchoose them. Our new book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Making Me Time, covers the many ways that people reclaim a bit of their calendar for themselves, creating more balance in their lives. And one of the ways to reclaim that time and make more space for “me time” is by making sure that you’re only spending time with people who add VALUE to your life. That can mean assessing the time you spend with friends, and even relatives. Because you need to zealously look out for own emotional health and not let people sap away whatever energy you have. You want to save that energy for yourself and the people who are most important to you.

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