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PTSD – When the Boogeyman Returns!


Shari and Jann sit down as mother and daughter to delve into the recent betrayal Jann experienced that sent her spiraling into a 2-week emotional battle with the ‘boogeyman’…A.K.A. PTSD! Jann was feeling confident in her ability to neutralize the impact of her PTSD triggers but this latest event was more than she bargained for. Shari reminded her mom that no amount of therapy or bag of tools a person has in their arsenal can prepare a person for the triggers that will likely always exist. There are times that triggers hit so deep that they can momentarily take your breath away and what one does next is what really matters…

Shari and Jann wrote Which Way?, a memoir and self help book about trauma. They have a podcast on the Mental Health News Radio Network, called:

anxiety, Bipolar, childhood abuse, Childhood Trauma, counseling, courage, cPTSD, depression, domestic violence, gender identity, generational trauma, healing, Jann Simmons, Love, mental health, mental illness, mother daughter, mothers, PTSD, Shari Simmons, suicide, therapy, transformation, trauma, trauma survivor

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