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Raising Awareness and a Son on the Autism Spectrum


Join Kristin as she has an amazing conversation with Gina Mitchell about raising a son on the spectrum.  From being a mother to teacher to advocate, Gina shares her experiences, some negative, but overwhelmingly positive as being autistic also comes with its own superpowers.

Gina Mitchell is Sam Mitchell’s mom. Sam Mitchell is the creator and host of the podcast Autism Rocks and Rolls and the CEO of the Non-Profit Autism Rocks and Rolls. Gina has been Sam’s #1 fan well, really since birth, but especially since Sam has spread his wings and shown the world what he’s got. She is currently a teacher of 8th-grade students and has a bachelor’s degree in English/Social Studies Education, a Master’s degree in Education, and a Gifted and Talented Education degree. Gina has been a teacher for 17-years and still is. However, her second job is working at Autism Rocks and Rolls with Sam. Here, she works in marketing, networking, writing, editing, producing, and really, just doing a lot behind the scenes.  When Sam’s life mission became helping others, it became hers too. Her favorite pastimes are listening to crime and detective podcasts, music and crazy dancing with her family and students, leisurely swimming, reading books, building Websites, traveling, meeting new people, playing with her dogs, and shopping for bargains.


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