Soul Contracts and Pathological Abuse: Sandra L. Brown, M.A. & Martha Juchnowski
Join the founder of Sandra L. Brown, M.A. (Author of Women Who Love Psychopaths) and healer Martha Juchnowski examining the role of soul contracts and soul connections in relationship to Pathological Love Relationships (Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths). Our host Kristin Sunanta Walker moderates the discussion between these two incredible women as they delve into a discussion that not all survivors may be ready to explore.
Please enjoy Sandra’s first interview on Mental Health News Radio here.
anxiety, authentic life, behavioral health, community, coping skills, current events, de-stigmatizing mental health, depression, destigmatize mental health, destigmatizing mental health, emotional abuse, empath, empathic healer, Healer, healing, healing life, healing lifestyle, Kristin Sunanta Walker, life skills, mental health, mental health awareness, mental illness, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse recovery, narcissistic abuse recovery program, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissistic relationship, overall health, Pathological Love Relationships, predators, psychology, psychopathic, PTSD, Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, sandra brown psychology, self-care, sociopathy, Soul Contract, soul contracts, suicide, suicide prevention, trauma, Trauma recovery
Jeni Mawter
Excellent discussion which opens doors and offers opportunities. 4 years ago I sought help for Soul Retrieval. This was exactly the place where I was experiencing LOSS. Since then, I have also sought help from the medical profession, and they basically told me to “Go Jump!” Their focus was only on ‘mood’ or ‘sleep’ and they had a dichotomy of thought – you are Depressed – you have Anxiety. The fallout has been horrendous. Thank You for Looking Elsewhere. Thank you. Thank you.