ST Podcast Ep. 43: Coping with the Coronavirus
ST Podcast Ep. 43: Coping with the Coronavirus
In the first video of the Superhero Therapy Podcast, Dr. Scarlet and Dustin McGinnis discuss what’s on everyone’s mind: Covid-19. Stay safe everyone and remember to always be kind.
Click the link below to see the video version of this podcast:
anxiety, build community, clinical psychology, Corona Virus, Coronavirus, covid, Covid-19, depression, destagmatize mental health disorders, destigmatize mental health, Dr Janina Scarlet, Dustin McGinnis, Global Pandemic, Infectious Disease, mental health, mental health stigma, mental heatlh disorders, mental illness, Pandemic, pop culture, provide tools, psychology, PTSD, social issues, stigma of mental illness, superhero, therapy, therapy tools