STOP Taking Everything so Personally: Codependency Recovery
Are you easily bothered or upset when others don’t speak to you or treat you the way you expect them to? There is a fine line between fair expectation and the unfair expectations of someone struggling with codependency issues. In this episode, Breakthrough Life Coach and Award Winning Author Lisa A. Romano unveils red flags of unhealthy thinking of codependent people. As a recovering codependent herself, Lisa speaks to these issues with authenticity, articulation, and tough love, in the hopes of assisting others to awaken to unhealthy paradigms that sabotage their chance of experiencing loving, balanced and harmonious relationships.
If this podcast resonates with you and you wish to join Lisa’s Conscious Healing Academy, email her and her team
Are you just awakening from the faulty negative subconscious patterns of the past that have kept you stuck in loops of negative thinking and relationships?
If so, start your journey with The 12 Week Breakthrough Coaching Program: Link Below